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The Outline of Introduction to Energy Storage

1. Basic Teaching Information

Course Code:3000420013001

Course Title:Introduction to energy storage

Faculty:Yuzheng Guo

Targeted Student:Undergraduate

Course Credit:1

Lecture Hours:16

consisted of __16___ theoretical hours and __0___ practical hours)

Course Leader:

Name:Ryan Feng Wang




Course Staff:

Name:Yuzheng Guo




Course Type:(专业选修课程Optional Specialty Course)

Related Preview Courses:

2. Course Introduction

I. Introduction

As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources like wind and solar, the need for effective energy storage solutions becomes more pressing. Electrical energy storage (EES) technologies provide a means of storing excess energy generated during periods of low demand, and releasing it when demand is high. EES is becoming an increasingly important component of modern power systems, and is critical to integrating renewable energy into the grid.

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of electrical energy storage, including various technologies and their applications. The course covers electrochemical, mechanical, thermal, and capacitive energy storage, as well as hybrid systems that combine different storage technologies. In addition, the course includes a chapter on solar cells, which are a related technology that converts sunlight directly into electrical energy.

By the end of this course, students will:

Understand the fundamental principles of electrical energy storage and its importance in modern power systems.

Be familiar with the different types of energy storage technologies and their applications.

Understand the advantages and limitations of different storage technologies and their potential for integration into modern power systems.

Be able to evaluate different energy storage options for specific applications

Understand the basics of solar cell technology and its potential for integration with energy storage systems.

Be able to discuss the future prospects and challenges for electrical energy storage technology.

Through a combination of lectures, readings, assignments, and exams, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of electrical energy storage.

I. Introduction

Course objectives

Overview of electrical energy storage

Importance of electrical energy storage

II. Electrochemical Energy Storage

Battery fundamentals

Battery types and chemistries

Battery applications

Battery management systems

III. Mechanical Energy Storage


Pumped hydroelectric storage

Compressed air energy storage

Other mechanical storage methods

IV. Thermal Energy Storage

Sensible heat storage

Latent heat storage

Thermochemical heat storage

Other thermal storage methods

V. Capacitive Energy Storage

Capacitor fundamentals


Applications of capacitive energy storage

VI. Solar Cells

Introduction to photovoltaics

Basic principles of solar cell operation

Types of solar cells (crystalline, thin-film, organic, etc.)

Manufacturing processes and materials

Efficiency limits and factors affecting efficiency

Applications of solar cells

Integration of solar cells into buildings and infrastructure

Future prospects and challenges for solar cell technology

VII. Hybrid Energy Storage Systems

Combining different storage technologies

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid systems

VIII. Applications of Electrical Energy Storage

Grid-scale energy storage

Residential and commercial energy storage

Transportation applications

IX. Future of Electrical Energy Storage

Emerging technologies

Market trends

Environmental considerations

X. Conclusion

3. The Allocation of Content and Lecture Hours


Lecture Hours



Electrochemical Energy Storage


Mechanical Energy Storage


Thermal Energy Storage


Capacitive Energy Storage


Solar Cells


Hybrid Energy Storage Systems


Applications of Electrical Energy Storage


Future of Electrical Energy Storage and Conclusion


4. Assessment Methods and Marking Criterion

Participation and attendance (10%)

Homework assignments (10%)

Essay (80%)

5. Textbooks and References

(1) ENERGY STORAGE BASICS: A Study Guide for Energy Practitioners

by Sean White and Saad Youssefi

(2) Battery Technology Crash Course: A Concise Introduction

by Slobodan Petrovic

Course Form for WHU Summer School International 2023

Course Title

(英 文)Introduction to energy storage

(中 文)储能科学导论


Ryan Wang, Yuzheng Guo, Jun Wang, Zhuo Jiang

First day of classes


Last day of classes


Course Credit


Course Description

Course Introduction

As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources like wind and solar, the need for effective energy storage solutions becomes more pressing. Electrical energy storage (EES) technologies provide a means of storing excess energy generated during periods of low demand, and releasing it when demand is high. EES is becoming an increasingly important component of modern power systems, and is critical to integrating renewable energy into the grid.

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of electrical energy storage, including various technologies and their applications. The course covers electrochemical, mechanical, thermal, and capacitive energy storage, as well as hybrid systems that combine different storage technologies. In addition, the course includes a chapter on solar cells, which are a related technology that converts sunlight directly into electrical energy.


By the end of this course, students will:

Understand the fundamental principles of electrical energy storage and its importance in modern power systems

Be familiar with the different types of energy storage technologies and their applications

Understand the advantages and limitations of different storage technologies and their potential for integration into modern power systems

Be able to evaluate different energy storage options for specific applications

Understand the basics of solar cell technology and its potential for integration with energy storage systems

Be able to discuss the future prospects and challenges for electrical energy storage technology.

Assignments (essay or other forms)


Text Books and Reading Materials

(1) ENERGY STORAGE BASICS: A Study Guide for Energy Practitioners

by Sean White and Saad Youssefi

(2) Battery Technology Crash Course: A Concise Introduction

by Slobodan Petrovic